
This series of seventy six prints composes a photographic inventory of the glaciers of the Mont Blanc massif in France conducted from 2012 to 2017 by Aurore Bagarry.
This young photographer, a graduate of the Gobelins and the Arles School of Photography, has carried out a descriptive and poetic project to survey the intricacies and singularities of Alpine glaciers.
These images, infused with a documentary style, reflect by its aesthetic concerns, a rereading of the photographs of explorations of the nineteenth century.
It is an act that reveals the beauty and fragility of these places and sounds the alarm on the disappearance that threatens them.

Roches, Aurore Bagarry’s new photographic project, revolves around research on water as an imprint on the landscape and on the notion of a natural border. Her field of investigation goes from the French northern shores to those of the south of England which face each other. The artist continues his approach of photographic atlas started with the series Glaciers and offers us a personal reading of the landscapes of La Manche through an inventory of the forms resulting from the slow erosion of the coastline.
Roches received the support of the Drac Bretagne (Aide Individuelle à la Création) in 2017 and that of the art center GwinZegal, Guingamp in 2019.
Language of landscape (group show)
Art Paris (Grand Palais Ephémère)
04.07.2022 – 04.10.2022
SIT DOWN gallery
06.03.2021 – 06.06.2021
Paris Photo FAIR
08.11.2018 – 11.11.2018
Salon Photo Doc. Espace des Blancs Manteaux, Paris
04.05.2018 – 06.05.2018
SIT DOWN gallery
24.10.2017 – 02.12.2017
SIT DOWN gallery
28.05.2015 – 24.06.2015
French photographer and video artist, born in 1982 in Le Mans, France, Aurore Bagarry graduated in 2004 from the Gobelins School, Paris, and in 2008 from the National School of Photography in Arles with commendations
Her work revolves around research on water as a form and as an imprint on a landscape and on the notion of natural borders. How photography, by its transparent nature, can make the variations in water sensitive, suggest its complexity? By the logic of photographic atlas and the practice of walking, she offers a personal reading of the landscape with an inventory of the forms of water, sometimes fragile although monumental (Glaçiers 2012-2018) or the imperceptible fruit of a slow erosion (Roches 2016-2020).
Winner in 2020 of the Regards sur le Grand Paris #4 commissioned by the CNAP and the Ateliers Médicis, Aurore Bagarry discovers the ancient oceans and reveals the forms of water that have shaped the Parisian basin through waves of sedimentation, to the point of structuring our forms of life and our gaze through the ages.
Le Temps, January 28th
Radio Télévision Suisse, interview, February 1st
L’intervalle, interview, November 11th
L’Alpe n°71, December
Géants, le spectacle de la montagne, interview, September
Libération, August 20th and November 17th, interview
Le Figaro, June 30th
Radio Canada, June
Le Parisien, interview, May 25th
Télérama, May 27th
CHEAP #07, July
Cacao Europa, February, Les Sphinx de Louqsor, Portfolio
Greenlinkers: Interview, November.
Le Monde des Livres, thursday 14th February
Ouvert la Nuit, France Inter, cultural agenda of Alexandre Héraud, interview
Wad magazine, Breaking News
Ouest-France, Image Publique, Image Publique, Paysage et Territoire, Journal Japonais
Libération, July 24th, cahier d’été, portfolio
Photos Nouvelles, July-August, portfolio
Inframince n°2, workshop with Dominique Auerbecher
Le Temps, January 28th
Radio Télévision Suisse, interview, February 1st
L’intervalle, interview, November 11th
L’Alpe n°71, December
Géants, le spectacle de la montagne, interview, September
Libération, August 20th and November 17th, interview
Le Figaro, June 30th
Radio Canada, June
Le Parisien, interview, May 25th
Télérama, May 27th
CHEAP #07, July
Cacao Europa, February, Les Sphinx de Louqsor, Portfolio
Greenlinkers: Interview, November.
Le Monde des Livres, thursday 14th February
Ouvert la Nuit, France Inter, cultural agenda of Alexandre Héraud, interview
Wad magazine, Breaking News
Ouest-France, Image Publique, Image Publique, Paysage et Territoire, Journal Japonais
Libération, July 24th, cahier d’été, portfolio
Photos Nouvelles, July-August, portfolio
Inframince n°2, workshop with Dominique Auerbecher
Museum TV, 13.12.2018 Tout Ce Que Vous Avez Raté #102 – PARIS PHOTO 2018
France Culture, 23.10.2017 Les Glaciers d’Aurore Bagarry
Côté est 21 décembre 2018 N°83 par Agnès Benoît
Paris Match éditionsuisse 2017 par Pamela Chuppi
L’Intervalle 11 novembre 2016 par Fabien Ribery
Le Figaro 30 juin 2015 par Annie Barbaccia
TK 21, La revue N°46 – 24 mai 2015 Glaciers par Luce Lebart
Libération 20 août 2015 Carnet de glaces par Dominique Poiret
France Fine Art 28 mai 2015 “Aurore Bagarry” Glaciers par Anne-Frédérique Fer
Coté Ouest juin-juillet 2021 N° 153 p.26 Roches animées par Agnès Benoit
Article mai 2021 Les images d’Aurore Bagarry part 1 par Léon Mychkine
Article mai 2021 Les images d’Aurore Bagarry part 2 par Léon Mychkine avril 2021 Roches, exposition d’Aurore Bagarry par Pauline Lisowski
LesEchos Week-end 5 mars 2021 Poésie sous roche par Ludovic Bischoff et Alice d’Orgeval
Télérama Sortir 24 mars 2021 N° 3715 p. 9 La mémoire et la pierre par Frédérique Chapuis
Paris Diary by Laure 11 mars 2021 Aurore Bagarry, an explorer with an eye par Laure de Gramont
Libération 17 juillet 2019 Affinités sédimentaires par Dominique Poiret